We commit to results in project mode
We organise our team (project manager, trade experts, designers) according to your needs: audit, preliminary project, turnkey, etc.
We know how to position ourselves as an EPCM (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management) company
We can handle projects worth several million euros, from the preliminary design stage right through to commissioning your installation on site
To this end, we have set up a dedicated project organisation within our design office, which is flexible and agile depending on the complexity of your project

The keys to a successful workpackage
1 – Define your needs during a co-construction phase
2 – Make sure you have all the necessary input data
3 – Define an effective working methodology and appropriate tools: we can advise you on the best CAD software to use
4 – Define your constraints: Budget, Deadline and Quality
5 – Ensuring the availability of resources
We’ll answer all these questions together, so that you have complete control over your investment.
Project References
Salta Energy

Tula Cement Plant (Mexico)

Water treatment plant “Les Mureaux”

Salta Energy
Project objectives
Detailed study of a gas bottling installation
- Budget: k€85
Modelling :
- Civil engineering
- Frames
- Equipment
- Cable trays
- Piping (gas, water, sprinkler, air, etc.)
- General drawings
- Detail drawings/manufacturing drawings
- Calculation notes (walkways)
- Manufacturing and welding isometrics

Tula Cement Plant (Mexico)
Project Objectives
Complete study of the plant’s air, water, gas and fuel supplies
Study of the local compressor and pumping station process (development of PIDs)
Study budget: €280k
Completion of all detailed studies
- Modelling
- Overall plan
- Layout plans
- GC guide plans
- Isometries
- Nomenclatures

Water treatment plant “Les Mureaux”
Project objectives
Complete study of the plant (excluding the process)
- Budget: €140k
- Equipment layout diagrams
Modelling :
- Guide plans
- Cable trays
- Heat pump (energy recovery)
- Biogas network
- Civil engineering
- Piping